Hudson was only a few weeks old when I found myself sitting at our family’s dining room table across from one of my closest friends. It was Easter weekend and the flowers were starting to bloom and the air was starting to warm up. I remember how tiny he looked just sleeping there in my […]
Every time I walk through the front door, it’s always the same things… It’s the cozy slippers walking along original hardwood floors. It’s the way the light flows in down the stairwell from the window at the end of their hall. It’s the way I never manage to get the door open on the first […]
One of the things that I love most about motherhood, is how it all changes. How we change as parents and people in the midst of it all. I remember such a difference in how I carried myself between having our first and our second, and looking back, it sometimes amazes me that I ever […]
Did I ever tell you how my parents chose my name? Apparently, my parents had been going back and forth for months trying to decide on a girl’s name for me…and it just wasn’t coming to them. Then, one night, not long before I was born, then went to see a movie together featuring the […]
I’m not going to lie…I was afraid to have a second baby. It’s not that I didn’t want one…it’s that I didn’t know if I could do it. The moment I found out I was pregnant with our daughter, I was filled with both immense excitement and profound apprehension. Being an only child meant that […]
Nothing changed more when we had our children than our sense of time! Time, suddenly became this commodity. This form of currency that we were constantly bargaining for. I actually laughed out loud one afternoon when I found myself pleaded with my six week old son for ten minutes to have a shower! That is […]