Before my husband and I got engaged, we used to talk a lot about all of the places that we wanted to travel to throughout our life.  We wanted to fly, we wanted to explore, we wanted to see the world.  Most of all though, we wanted to learn how to surf!  So when Steve finally popped the question and our wedding plans began, our first order of business was our honeymoon!  “Oh, the places we’ll go…” we thought to ourselves!  And the place we ended up going was straight to a surf school on the Hawaiian shore of Waikiki Beach!

For months leading up to our honeymoon I was nearly crazy with excitement!  And I nearly drove Steve crazy in the meantime!  “Only sixty-seven more sleeps to go”, I would whisper in his ear each night!  I could hardly contain myself!  But Steve’s excitement never seemed to climb off the Richter scale quite the same way as mine did and thank heavens for his patience because looking back, I interrogated him relentlessly about it!  Finally though, come the morning of our flight – two days after our wedding – my brand new husband bounced out of bed and practically skipped around our apartment gathering last minute things to pack.  It was official, he was excited!

During our eleven hour flight to Hawaii {I think that it’s worth mentioning here that you never really know someone until you’ve spent eleven hours on a flight with them!!!}, we ended up chatting about our varying degrees of excitement over the trip that we had been planning for so long.  And that’s when it was brought to my attention that I live in a world of anticipation while my husband, well…doesn’t!  That’s right…I live in anticipation and my husband lives in the realism of the moment – two very different places!

After further discussion, we came to the following conclusion; my husband doesn’t like to be disappointed hence, prefers to limit his expectations.  I, on the other hand, could live solely off of the wonder that thrives within excitement.  Even if the anticipated moment doesn’t turn out as expected…I still feel that it was worth the days, weeks or months of looking forward to what may have been!  Steve faces reality as it is {which – please allow me to be the first to say – is a very precious perspective to have a lot of the time!!!}…I live in the potential of what something could be.  Am I setting myself up for disappointment?  Possibly!  Is it a tad bit ‘rose-coloured’ in nature?  Likely!  Would I have it any other way?  Not in a million years!

Because here’s the thing…

Anticipation means seeing the beauty and possibility in something that has yet to exist.  It means finding hopefulness and joy in what is yet to come.  It means expecting the best.  It means standing before a bare tree, all alone in a winter field…and seeing magic.  It means putting on your warm clothes, curling up under a blanket…and finding romance in even the coldest of days.  It means taking one of the most amazing couples you know, finding the essence of who they are…and expressing the anticipation that is their union.  And that is a pretty wonderful place to be!

Kristen and Aaron…there are no words!  There are no words for how excited I am about your engagement.  There are no words for how incredibly beautiful your relationship is.  There are no words for how much you both mean to me.  And there are certainly no words for how stunning the two of you look in front of my camera!

But brace yourself…because I can assure you that there is nothing disappointing about it…

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Facebook Comments
  1. rich says:

    Beautiful, guys!

  2. Those hanging ball things are ridiculously cool and I want to hang them in our bedroom just for fun. Brave couple to go out in the snow like that, very fun 🙂

  3. jenn stark says:

    It’s like Narnia 🙂 Very well done my friend!!

  4. Jamie says:

    These are just stunning – I’m speechless. I love these!! They are just so fun, not to mention beautiful. It’s inspired! Great work! 🙂

  5. Her eyes are her power and focal point and you captured them perfectly in the last color and black and white pictures. These kids look to be very much in love and that can conquer anything. Very well done.

  6. Congratulations to Gen & fifteenfityone for the recognition they received on this GREAT engagement shoot from the Blueberry Wedding Blog. Wow, you should really send this to every hall so more weddings and photo shoots are booked in winter.

    A photo shoot like this is really a total paradigm shift for most of us thinking about winter and weddings. Having my anniversary on June 25th, I can tell you that over the years I have met countless people with the same anniversary. It’s the 80/20 rule once again. 80% of the couples pick 20% of the dates… so in the year where the 25th is a Saturday, the chances of getting a good hall, a good DJ and a great photographer like Gen are completely out of the question and you pray for a cancellation….that is unless you’re booking 2 or 3 years out… and who does that these days. On the other hand this February 26th, just about every hall north of the Mason Dixon line will be empty, and most of those wedding planners, DJs and Photographers will be open.

    It’s also eye opening to see truly just how Beautiful Winter can be. Have you ever been to Niagara Falls in the winter. Hands down way more pretty than the summer. The ice crystals that form every where are a wonder of nature. So it is with these shots… so much beauty around to see. These are only engagement photos but Kristen and Aaron got it right, the spectacular beauty frames this wonderful couple like no summer shot can. As many of us get older we get sucked in by the false popularity of complaining of the doldrums of winter…slush, driving and cold, which blinds us to the spectacular beauty of winter, that given the gifted eye of Gen behind the lens captures it all for an eternity.

  7. […] trilogy…part two of Kristen and Aaron’s engagement session!  You may have remembered part one from back in December when we {read: they!} got cozy under some blankets in the chilly winter […]

  8. […] Kristen and Aaron on their wedding day was so unbelievably magical in its meaning.  To watch her marry the man of […]


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