When I turned thirty, I wrote a letter to my ten year-old self.  I wanted to tell my younger self what the next twenty years were going to look like…to not be afraid of what she couldn’t see.  I was a very scared and worried little girl, and looking back, I wish that I could have hugged her and held her and told her that things would be alright.  That life would be alright.  The world can be a pretty intimidating place when your young; with all of that intoxicating innocence also comes monsters in your closet and dragons under the bed.

When I became a Mother, I wanted so badly to put down on paper any advice I could think of that would make my son’s life easier.  I wanted to share what little wisdom I may have so that he too, would know that life would be okay…even in times when it didn’t feel like it.  In times when he may want to run away from home or when he doesn’t make the basketball team on the first try.  In times when math is really hard and when liking girls is even harder.  I wanted him to know that this too shall pass.

But here’s the thing…I’m not very “quotable” and frankly, I don’t have a lot of wisdom!  I only have experience {which usually entails the same mistake made over and over and over again!!} and in that experience, I’ve learned that most other people’s advice is much better than my own!!  And I really love other people’s advice.  I love reading other people’s thoughts and their quotes and keeping them close to my heart for days when I need them most.  But I can take pictures!  And sometimes a picture has all of the words that I don’t.

So I’ve decided to start the Words of Wisdom Project for my baby boy.  A collection of my pictures and other people’s words, that I will ultimately print in a book, so that he’ll be able to  know that others have been down that very road before him.  That others have felt that joy, that pain, that loss, that exhilaration, that love, that inspiration.  So that he knows that he’s never alone.  I’m more than certain that there will come a day – probably sooner than later – when the very last thing Hudson’s going to want is advice from his Mother {been there. done that.}, so instead, there will be this…a compilation of thoughts and images that came to creation especially for him.  So that one day – when he’s ready – he can look back and be reminded that no story is really worth telling if you haven’t slayed a dragon or two along the way!


Facebook Comments


  1. that is a really lovely idea………now, you just need to find the time to do it 🙂

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