I don’t have a lot of friends in my life remaining from my high school or University years. At the time, I was too busy with my own things and preoccupied with my own issues to really connect with people at that time in my life.
As a result, it means that a lot of my closest friendships are ones that came into being much later in my adult life. And truthfully, I don’t even have the words to express how much my friends mean to me…but I also that – in many ways – they are still “young”.
What struck me the most about Maura and Rob’s wedding was the collective history that gathered together for this remarkable day. There were literally decades shared between the bride and groom alone, nonetheless the countless friends that joined them.
They were swept up in years of memories and relationships that were rooted so early in life…and when you step back to take a look at it all…you see what an immense gift it really is.
I’m grateful for having witnessed this much friendship in one place…for being able to capture what happens when you invest yourself in other people and the effort it takes to maintain it.
This was never just a wedding.
It was never just a dress and a dinner and a piece of a paper.
It was two incredible lives coming together as one…and bringing everyone they love with them.
Wonderful! I remember you when you loved playing hockey!!
Congratulations on your marriage.
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