I read recently that if you don’t write down the things that you remember…then it’s actually like they never happened at all.  Intriguing.  I don’t know that I entirely agree, but it does tug at something inside…the writer inside of me.  Because once those things are forgotten, then how do you know?  How do you remember?  Once you’ve forgotten…then all is forgotten.

That’s why I had to write it down as it happened.  So that I wouldn’t forget the moment…

I was walking down the aisle at the grocery store around 11am on a Tuesday.  Steve’s parent’s had just left our place to head home and I had both kids bundled in their running stroller ready to tackle the snow.  It was cold outside…so cold.  But the sun was warm and inviting.  I remember the trail of water that we were leaving in our wake as we turned down the aisle filled with office supplies, birthday cards and magazines.

And that’s when I saw it…the magazine…

I was told that the Spring/Summer 2013 edition of Wedding Bells Magazine was due to hit the news stands that Saturday.  But it was only Tuesday.  So when I looked over and saw the beautiful green cover with the gorgeous blue script…I nearly jumped out of my skin.  I grabbed the first copy and – like a maniac – flipped through all of the pages until I found it…until I found the familiar faces!

This was December 11th, 2012.  Almost a full month ago.  And I’m only posting about it now because a part of me still wonders if it’s real.   I still wonder if – even though I’ve written it down – did it actually happen at all?

In reality, I’ve had close to six months to get used to the idea.  Six months of working with art interns and senior editors.  Six months of waiting for confirmation that the issue has gone to print.  Six months to get used to the idea that my images would be featured in a magazine.  Not just one wedding…but two.  And yet, I just don’t get used to it.  Even now.  A full month later.  It’s too surreal…too amazing…too much.

Three years ago, when I first started this “project”…this wasn’t part of the plan.  I wasn’t suppose to have to write things down so that I could believe they were true.  And yet, here we are…a part of a plan that is much bigger than anything I could have imagined.  And for that, I am eternally grateful.

So before my hands begin writing it all down {every last detail}…I will raise those hands to the heavens and thank God for including me in His bigger plan.

Because it’s a plan that even I have yet to believe…

Facebook Comments


  1. Cathy says:

    Keep believing Gen because you are creating a beautiful reality…
    Congrats on the publications!

  2. Erica Ashfield says:

    So exciting!! Congratz!! Be proud 😀 I look forward to the day I get to work with you

  3. Linda Bm says:

    Congrats! You deserve it with your talent. 🙂

  4. Christine says:

    Well deserved, your images are just stunning!! This will be the first of many, I am sure!! 🙂

  5. Kelly Smyth says:

    So PROUD of you Gen!


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