I happened on a plane, if you can believe it.  That’s where our story starts.

On a very cold and blustery day in January, on the tarmac of the Toronto Island airport.  On a plane!

I was on my second flight of the day, heading home from New Jersey and found myself sitting next to the loveliest man.   I’m not the most comfortable flyer and he has this tone of voice about him that made me forget about my nerves.  The flight between Toronto and Ottawa is only about thirty-five minutes long, and in that time, we struck up a conversation about our kids…our travels…our jobs…and yes, our love of photography.  We shared photos on our phone and he began to tell me about his lovely daughter and her desire to pursue photography professionally.

Once our flight landed, we parted ways and I remember feeling thinking to myself how lucky I had been to sit next to him that day.

Not more than a couple of days later…I received the most beautiful email.  From his daughter!!  We talked about life…about school…and yes, our love of photography.

We ended up meeting for coffee…she joined me as my second shooter for a wedding…and most importantly, she became one of the girls on the other end of my daily text messages.  When life was great…or overwhelming…or confusing…or just down right hilarious!

And all because of a seating assignment on a plane!

This beautiful girl has taught me that none of life is an accident.  That every choice…every detail…every person, is part of a bigger puzzle.  A puzzle that could very well end up sending you pictures of poutine on your phone!!

Being able to have her and her great love in front of my camera made for the most perfect evening…and the perfect reminder that miracles are constantly at work…


Facebook Comments
  1. Td Calico says:

    I LOVE THEM ! The pictures are all beautiful ! Thanks A lot Gen. …”pictures of poutine” haha :p

  2. France Walsh says:

    Beautiful pictures of a beautiful couple 🙂

  3. Claire Lauzon-Sabourin says:

    Elles sont tellement belle tes photos OMG

  4. Claire Barrette says:

    Vraiment belles photos.

  5. Jazmin Paquette says:

    Beautiful pictures guys xoxox


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