Picture it…

It’s the early 1920’s and a young couple decides to go out on a date.  They decide to take a stroll along some secluded train tracks when our bachelor hears something unusual among the trees.  The chivalrous guy that he is…he leaves his date to further investigate what might be hiding off in the distance.  Meanwhile, an evil villain comes along {as they so often do!} to foil our bachelor’s plans.  The villain captures his lovely date…ties her to train tracks…and awaits her impending doom.  Little does he know…

Now jump ahead to a beautiful summer night in June of 2012…

An equally lovely couple decides to enjoy the long, luscious night with a walk along the river and a movie in the park {hmmm…perhaps a silent movie about an evil villain capturing a young man’s lovely lady and tying her to some train tracks?!?!}.  They are happy…they are in love…they are the very essence of what romantic movies are all about.  Their own story is about to start a whole new chapter…the one in which they say ‘I do’ and live happily ever after.

Life is all about stories.  His story.  Her story.  Their story.  Together, they intrinsically connect us to one another…they become the ties that bind.  Sometimes though, we develop new stories within the story that we are already living and in doing so, we create these beautiful fairytales.  These gorgeous pages of history and dialogue that sweep us off our feet and tell the tale of who we are.

And the best part of our story today is that love prevails.  Love conquers.  Love comes along at just the right time and frees us when we need it most!

Stephanie and David…enjoy your story…

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Facebook Comments
  1. Aline'n Paul Keary says:

    Wow Gen, so creative. Awesome!

  2. KARRY says:


  3. Renee Fain says:

    They are beautiful!

  4. Stephanie Beach says:

    I really can’t stop looking at these. So glad the concept worked out and even more glad we had you to shoot it/us 🙂

  5. Debbie Miller says:

    Love these photos Stephanie!

  6. Leigh-Anne Fraser says:

    what a beautiful shoot – I just love it 🙂

  7. Kristy Wall Roger says:

    These are awesome! I love it the idea.

  8. Melinda Mantel says:

    Very artsy. I love them. I know he’s all grown up but when I look at these pix I can’t help but see David as a little boy playing dress up and that big grin on his face. Beautiful pix, beautiful couple. Thanks for sharing.


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