It’s not a huge secret around these parts that I have a slight infatuation with Fall!  From the first moment that I flip my calendar to the September page, right up until Halloween…I am enthralled in all things Autumn.  Pumpkins.  Blankets.  Beautifully coloured leaves crumbling beneath my feet.  It’s Obsessive Compulsive Fall Disorder at its best!  And I wouldn’t change it for anything!

The very best part about loving all things Fall…is having other people to share the excitement with.  Having someone else who gets equally excited about Pumpkin Spice Lattes and cinnamon scented candles.  Therein lies the true joy of the season!!  And I’m not going to lie…my husband ain’t got it!  Sure, he’ll happily let me know that my Uggs have been brought out of storage and begrudgingly let me buy another pair of mittens.  He’ll even get on board with some apple picking and a hayride or two…but he draws the line there!  And I love him to death for the effort.  I really do!  But sometimes I just need a partner in crime to validate my need to watch Gilmore Girls for the eighth year in a row!!

Insert Meghan…

A girl who decided to email me with a suggestion for her engagement session that started with “I hope you don’t mind…but I kind of love Fall…”  This led us to a pumpkin patch…and corn mazes…and wool blankets…and my heart nearly exploding with adoration for this girl who totally and truly gets it!!!!!  Which – by default – means that she gets me!!  And further more, she’s marrying the amazing Michael, who spent an entire hour and a half letting the two of us be giddy with excitement over our mutual love of hay bales.  Seriously…someone give the boy a medal!

And that’s that!  At the risk of sounding completely weird and creepy…if I could carry these two lovebirds around in my pocket all day…I totally would.  I think that they are just THAT great!!  And their love is also that great!

So, while the cold winds roll in and you begin to blow the dust off of your down winter coats…grab a pumpkin spice latte and enjoy one last taste of Fall!  And a ridiculously adorable couple to boot…

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