It was an orange. That’s all. An orange. It was an orange that a cute teenage boy handed me on the back of a tractor as we were making our way through the mountains of Belize. “Try it”, he said “you’ll love it”. I looked at the orange. I looked back at him. And he […]
I stood out in a field today near our house…just staring up at the sky. A breeze blew across my face and tears rolled down my cheeks. Something about this time of year makes me nostalgic. This time of year makes me hurt deeper…feel heavier…ache longer. As the snow begins to melt and the days […]
My husband and I have this plant that we got just before we were married. It started out very small and sat in the kitchen window of our apartment. It’s been with us for over ten years…two moves…one cat…and two children! It has survived a lot! We came home from the holidays recently to find […]
Ten years ago, during these very same cold winter months, I invited a friend over to our house one evening. I sat across from her in our living room…my eyes fighting to look up from the floor…and I asked her for forgiveness. Several months earlier, I had hurt her. Not because of something that I […]
I am a person who feels life. Though I also see it and hear it and think it and touch it…my dominant sense in life is to feel it. Truly. Madly. Deeply. This is both my greatest strength and my greatest weakness. Because your tears becomes my tears. Your pain becomes my pain. Your loss […]