My final year of high school was one of the hardest years of my life. Every element of my existence was a train wreck and the fact that I even came out of it in one piece is a miracle in and of itself. The stress of that year nearly destroyed me and even now – eighteen years later – the very thought of it still takes my breath away. In the final months of my OAC year, I was a heartbeat away from giving up. During the week that all of my friends were applying to Universities, I had left home…not eaten in four days…and ended up in the hospital [a story for another time]. I was drowning and at this point, I wanted to sink. I would have been happy to stop treading water…to just let go…and to let my body peacefully make its way to a quieter place.

But that Thursday morning, one of my teachers pulled me out of class. She took me out to breakfast and uttered the five words that I’m convinced changed the rest of my life; “you are more than this”. While I ate for the first time in almost a week, this lovely woman sat across from me and asked me where I had applied to University. I hadn’t. Just getting through the day was hard enough, nonetheless considering the process of researching, applying for, and paying for University. Yet somehow, she understood my struggle. She saw something in me that I couldn’t see in myself. She saw light…and creativity…and a love of serving other people. She saw an athlete…and a writer…and a leader. She saw courage…and resilience…and strength. She saw a girl who had the entire world in front of her…but who was also enduring a set of hopeless circumstances.

This teacher spent the rest of the day researching Universities with me. She paid out of pocket for my application. And she made me promise never to give up.

That September, I moved to Ottawa to begin my Communications degree…and my life has never been the same.

I lost touch with this incredible woman two years after moving here and have never been able to track her down since. But I would want her know that her efforts weren’t made in vain. That I didn’t give up. That I stood tall in defense of the person she believed me to be.

I can sit across from you because she once sat across from me.

And she noticed me.

Teachers, you are noticed too. Your small gestures and your overwhelming acts. Your soft voice and your enduring patience. Your gentle support and your eager excitement. You are noticed. By our children, who believe you are the entire world…and by their parents, who entrust them to your care. You are noticed.

And by this Mom…who owes so much of her life to the beautiful profession that you have committed your own lives to…

You are noticed.

Thank you.

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