I remember back when I first started getting into photography three years ago; I used to be so amazed at the technical and aesthetic perfection of other people’s pictures.  I used to browse blogs for hours on end trying to identify what it was that stood out to me as a unique and appealing photograph.  Ultimately, I had concluded that really great photographers were people who could come away with amazing images under any circumstances.  And by any, I’m also including 2pm in direct sunlight {gag!}!

As a self taught photographer, I’ve spent many hours up late at night – while everyone else was fast asleep – learning the inner workings of my camera, experimenting with editing software or reading about the rules of business.  But last year, I decided to invest in learning from others face-to-face.  I decided to learn not just from tutorials and textbooks, but from the experience of others.  So that’s what I did!  I contacted some of my absolute favourite photographers, asked them if they would be willing to spend some time with me and teach me what they had to offer.  Luckily for me, photographers are a pretty great bunch of people and by the end of last year, I felt more confident than ever in my choice of careers!  It also completely changed the way that I took photographs…and for the better…

By the end of last summer, I had experienced a total shift in the way that I viewed photography.  Throughout the entire time that I had been teaching myself this art, I believed that great photographers simply superseded all conditions of the external environment…and this frustrated me to no end!!  Because no matter how hard I practiced or how much I learned about my camera, I was never able to work with conditions that were any less than ideal…and create a beautiful image.  Yet everyone else around me seemed to be able to do so.  I was wrong {which certainly wouldn’t be the first time!}!  By the end of last season, I came to learn the eye-opening truth that great photographers weren’t people who created brilliant images under any circumstances…great photographers were people who created ideal circumstances in order to make beautiful images!

{I will now take a slight pause here for you to insert your own “Eureka” moment!!}

Seriously…this changed EVERYTHING for me!  I came to learn that great photographers really make an effort to seek out the right light…shoot at the ideal time of day…find the best setting…and at the end of it all, create what you need to make what you envision.  Which, believe it or not, means that all great photographers I know…don’t actually shoot at 2pm in direct sunlight!  Amazing!

I’m so glad that I learned all of this when I did because this spring has been less than cooperative when it comes to “ideals”.  It has rained and rained and rained some more…all.season.long.  We’ve had the cold, we’ve had tornado winds, we’ve inch deep mud, and like I mentioned…rain.  But last season has made me better prepared for all of Mother Nature’s unpredictability.  It’s made me more confident, more patient, more willing to wait for the right moment so that we can create the right images.

But there is another component to this equation that certainly cannot be overlooked.  Clients!  Amazing ones at that!  Clients that are willing to wait with you.  Clients who are willing to stalk the weather network and be patient and change locations as many times as needed in order to make the moment come to life.  Clients who are willing to cuddle in the rain and sneak into places that we may or may not actually be allowed to go!  In a nutshell….clients who rock!

Every odd was stacked against us when I met Yanying and Adam in the lobby of the Westin Harbour Castle in Toronto last weekend.  The Toronto Marathon was in its final preparations {aka. major road closures}, an Usher concert was about to take place, traffic was bumper to bumper for miles on end and {this may come as a shock to you…} it was pouring rain!  And not even the light drizzle that can make shooting in the rain bearable…but POURING rain!  But we persevered!!  We sat in grid lock traffic in hopes that my location would work out…only to get there and find it all locked up.  Then, we found the tiniest little window of opportunity and seized it with a vengeance…until we got kicked out!  We endured the pouring rain as long as we could…until I was drenched and they were cold!  But we did it!  And when I say we…I really mean them, because I can be as patient and particular as I want to be…but without their willingness to see this process as more than just photographs…then none of these would have been possible…

Yanying and Adam, simply put, you guys are total rock stars in my eyes!  And not to mention in my camera’s eyes as well!  I can’t wait to see you back here later in the year!  I do have to say that I think Mother Nature owes you a nicer day on your wedding though!

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Facebook Comments
  1. […] Yanying and Adam have been the pure essence of that resounding light.  Through downpours during their engagement session to the curve balls of their wedding day…their love, excitement and affection shined through.  Through the dark storm clouds to the tornado warnings…their joy prevailed.   All the time.  And I adore them for it!  I adore that nothing was going to interrupt what their day was all about.  I adore that no amount of turbulence was going to keep the smiles from their faces.  I adore that they rose above everything swirling around them. […]


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