Okay, so our story starts like this…

First, there was a girl (me!).
Girl moved to Ottawa to go to University.
Girl decided to adopt a Cat to keep her company in the big city.
Five years later, Girl also adopted a super cute Boyfriend.
It seemed that Cat and Boyfriend didn’t appear to get along very well.
Cat would spend countless nocturnal hours strategically pouncing on Boyfriend’s groin.
{Did I mention that Cat was 26lbs.?!?!}
Boyfriend would attempt to terrorize Cat with spray bottle.
{Did I also mention that Cat had a very unusual affinity for water?!?!}
Cat chewed a hole through said spray bottle when Boyfriend accidently left it on night table.
Cat : 1 – Boyfriend : 0
A year goes by.
Domestic tensions increase between Cat and Boyfriend.
Things get ugly.
A liter of chocolate milk becomes an innocent bystander.
Girl gets fed up.
Someone’s got to go.
Cat gets one way plane ticket to B.C.
Boyfriend can stay.
Boyfriend is a better cook!

Now, fast forward nearly a decade and said boyfriend is now beloved husband {yes, he’s that good a cook!}…and infamous feline has since used up his ninth life.  Good for me…not so much for the cat!  But this was just one of the many memories I have of sharing my life with furry friends!

Anyone who has devoted their space, time and love to a pet knows that they very much become members of the family.  First children of sorts!  They have their own shelf of hysterical stories and beloved milestones to claim in the family archives!  And because they know all the right strings tied to our hearts…I’ve found that they also tend to get away with a lot things that might otherwise leave them homeless!  From experience, with every one of my critter’s little adventures – from creating a hammock out of my in-laws box spring to swallowing a Christmas ribbon – pets have taught me the art of patience, flexibility and how to tie a Christmas tree to the wall…all qualities that I’m sure our son will thank us for later!

If anyone knows the true depths of affection that can be held by a pet…it’s Kayla and Tony!  The moment Jake walked into their lives…they became an unbreakable family of three!  Even when Jake accidentally lost Kayla’s engagement ring.  In a field.  Full of snow!  Believe me, it takes some pretty adorable and apologetic puppy dog eyes to get away with something like that!  And if anyone’s got them…it’s Jake!

Next summer, Jake’s parents are getting married!  And while his adventures are numerous and plenty…something tells me that he might be sitting out on the ring bearer duty for this particular occasion!  Lucky for him though, I’ll be there to capture it all!

But in the meantime…

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Facebook Comments
  1. Anastasia Marie says:

    Beautiful! Love the dog 😀

  2. Helene Donaldson says:

    That dog is – adorable! How did you get him to smile?

  3. Megan Lewis says:

    beautiful pictures cousin! congratulations to you both! so happy for you!


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