The week after we brought Hudson home from the hospital…it basically looked like a tornado had ripped through our home! Diapers were strewn everywhere…presents, clothes and mail were piled in corners…and paper! There was so much paper…everywhere. Post-it notes recording eating schedules and Tylenol consumption…sheets of information from the hospital…to-do lists from here until the end of time! It was a little overwhelming to say the least.
Eventually, I was kidnapped from the anarchy for a quick coffee date and Steve restored our house to its normal functioning status…but in their own little way…the kids never stopped taking over! From toys to backpacks to snack containers a plenty…evidence of their little lives exists everywhere! And though tripping on plastic cars and stuffed animals can ruffle my feathers at times…I wouldn’t have it any other way!
So I really had to smile when I first showed up at Denise & Travis’ house for their maternity shoot in Brockville; in one corner was a play pen…the other; a car seat…on the table; a tiny pair of shoes just waiting to be worn. And just like that, without even arriving yet, their little one had made themselves known and was ready to take over…in the cutest pink sparkly shoe kind of way!!!
And that’s really what anticipation does to us…our excitement leaks out into every area of our life and you begin to see pieces of what’s to come everywhere you look. Our passions…our loves…our future. Because they are a part of us…they also become a part of our living rooms!
Here’s to life with a baby on the way!!!