When I was a little girl, my Mom and I used to go out for dinner and a movie every Friday night.  We would sit for hours and talk about the week gone by.  Sometimes we would laugh…other times we would cry.  But mostly…we would just catch up.  Catch up on the little moments that we may have missed…or forgotten about…or felt the need to keep to ourselves at the time.  We didn’t do this very often during my last few years at home as the ravages of life eventually took its toll on our time and our relationship.

In 1997, I moved to Ottawa to begin University. I was making new friends…having new adventures…and starting a new story.  That first semester was one of the best times of my life.  Every few years or so, my Mom would visit Ottawa from B.C. and during each visit, I would catch myself asking her if she wanted to go for coffee sometime.  Her reaction was usually the same.  Almost offended.  “We never used to go out for coffee”, she would tell me…”we always went out for dinner and a movie”.  I would look back puzzled…confused at the relevance.

I never understood how inviting my Mom out for coffee somehow translated into rejecting a history that we once shared.  In turn, we never did end up ever going out for coffee.

For a long time, I used to wonder if my Mother was right.  If, by changing over time, I was turning my back on the life I once lived…the past I once knew.  If I was somehow betraying the person I used to be by having become someone different.

I later realized – through too much personal sacrifice – that I can love both.  I don’t need to let go of one at the hands of the other.  I can change and still have room inside of me for everything that was once real.  I can love going out for coffee and love going out for dinner.  I can love the city I grew up in and the city that I now call home.  I can love my past and still love my present.

Because here’s the thing…we all change.

In this life, I think that the most challenging and exciting thing that we get to do, is to try and become the most genuine version of ourselves.  To harness that part of our being that feels the most alive.  We owe it to ourselves to find this person that exists inside of us.

And to do that…we have to live.  We have to learn.  We have to love.

And love…changes everything.

The more we love others and the more we are loved…the more we change.  The more those layers of ourselves get peeled back and a more radiant soul comes to the surface.

Our friends.  Our family.  Our children.  Our churches.  Our pets.  Our passions.

These change us…because loving them changes us.

I came to love nature from my Mom.  I uncovered a love for the finer things in life from my Dad.  I deeply love the written word because of a world that brought me literature.  I discovered a love for rock music from my first boyfriend.  I allowed myself to truly love because of my husband.  I fell more in love with life because of my babies.  I learned to love myself because I was first loved by my God.

Love changes everything.

This past year has changed me in more ways than I ever thought possible…

I broke apart.  I began to put the pieces back together again.  And albeit cracked…I found that my heart was still beating.  My soul was still breathing.  My light was still shining.  And all because I was loved.

In my darkest of moments…I was loved.  In my saddest of tears…I was loved.  In my deepest of fears…I was loved.

And love changes everything.  So I changed.  And continue to do so.  With the mending of each wound…with the beginning of each  story…with the peeling back of each layer.  I change.  Sometimes painfully.  But always gratefully.

So it seemed only fitting that – eventually – things would start to look a bit different around here too.  That those internal changes would begin to have an outward appearance.  A new look and a new feel for a whole new place in my life.

This change has been a long time coming and has acquired more hours than I can even handle writing.  But it, too, has changed throughout the process.  It’s taken a few turns of its own along the way.  But after countless months, it has – at long last – begun to look at bit more like…me.  The person that I am…the person that I’m becoming…the person that I hope to be.

Take a moment, if you can, to visit my new site here – as it is truly my honour to welcome you into my new space…a space which is – essentially – a place inside of me that looks a bit more familiar.

It’s a place that love changed…

Facebook Comments


  1. Holly Hawkins says:

    You never cease to amaze me Gen!You have a way of writing and taking beautiful and amazing photo’s which pull people into your world and make us see what you see, and believe in what you believe in! The new site looks amazing, and I am so happy for your changes and the excitement it brings! xoxo

  2. Lisa O'Neill says:

    Love the new look! As usual, you’ve expressed yourself beautifully! So glad to have gotten to know you over the last year, I’m truly blessed to have you as a friend!!

  3. Michelle Young says:

    I always look forward to your blog posts, you are an inspiring writer! So glad you met my sister, so I could meet you too!

  4. Jesper says:

    Hey Gen. The new site looks great and the hard work that you and Steve put into it shows through. In the end though, it’s the quality of your work that stands out. Well done and continued success with it all.

  5. I am so proud of you!!! You are a beautiful authentic woman and I am proud to know you and love you…even if we have never seen each others’ faces!!! You are SO loved…and not just by me!! I can’t wait to journey through the changes with you!!

  6. Heather O'Brien says:

    You truly are a gifted story teller, for you let us glimpse your soul yet you have us examining our own lives by the end. I either cry, laugh, both, nod in agreement, look outside, call a loved one, hug my brother’s dog, or drink a venti drink due to your posts:) I love your words:)

  7. Linda Bm says:

    As always, I fall in love with your writing and story telling.

  8. Marie-Eve Montgrain says:

    I love this line:

    “The more we love others and the more we are loved…the more we change. The more those layers of ourselves get peeled back and a more radiant soul comes to the surface.”

    I think this makes the opposite true as well, the less love someone gives and is given, the more the layers close in on us. Love sets us free.

    Such a great post, and I love the revamp of the site :)! Beautiful and calming/serene look! Great job :)!

  9. Lindsay Field says:

    I love it all… the new brand, your writing, your photography… everything. Best of luck on this new adventure.

  10. Liane Provost says:

    love this. love you. this is awesome and I’m so excited for the new changes here, looks amazing!

  11. Rob W says:

    Great insight. Thank you for sharing!

  12. Justine Davis says:

    You’re so great, I LOVE to read your stories! I look forward to it when I see you’ve posted a new entry! And of course, your photographs are beautiful as always. Congrats on your new chapter!

  13. Victor Sinclair says:

    New site looks awesome Gen. As usual it’s a fine work of art! XOXOXO

  14. Kristen DeLynne says:

    What a perfect reflection of who YOU are! Congratulations!
    I am loving this new website and am so proud of you!

    Your music choice, colour and font jive and make for a totally awesome aura!
    Way to go!

    Love change everything! Truely a reflection of what you do! <3

  15. Carla Dawes says:

    Love this post…. Could you be any braver??? Love you to pieces beautiful girl 🙂

  16. Deb Llewellyn says:

  17. Cathy says:

    Congratulations on your beautiful new website and all your accomplishments. I wish you nothing but the best as you continue to move forward on your journey.

  18. Val says:

    Looks gorgeous Gen! Amazing work as always, congratulations!!!

  19. Kandace McCorrister says:

    Incredible! You touched my heart! Everything looks amazing about your new site and I know there is so much ahead for you (every excited for you!)

  20. Jennifer Hirst says:

    Wow – amazing blog post, amazing photos, wonderful new look to your website. Gen you are so very talented. Thank-you for sharing your gifts!

  21. Ginette says:

    Thank you again for sharing your talent, loved this blog as it is so true. Love the new website, amazing job.

  22. Kathy Smyth says:

    Gen and Steve,
    What a beautiful site you have created. It totally reflects the artisan in both of you.I love you both and pray that God will continue to bless you, your children and your business. Gen, I will be waiting for the publication of your book. God Bless

  23. […] Love Changes Everything It was the evening of Sunday, April 14th when I held my breath and finally hit publish.  It was the […]


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