Have you ever been asked who you are?  I don’t mean as in “can I ask who’s calling?”…I mean, who are you…really?  Better yet, have you ever really asked yourself that question before?

I spent some time a couple of weeks ago with a truly great couple; Brianna and Ewan Phelan.  Together, they have created The Last Forty Percent Photography.  To say that their photography is amazing is nothing short of an understatement, but to also have the privilege of getting to know a little bit about the countless hours and efforts that have gone into making The Last Forty Percent a truly successful business is an experience in and of itself.  We chatted about branding, about blogging, about the many changes that the industry has seen over the years and somehow, thanks to the very subtle persuasiveness of Mr. Phelan, I managed to come out of the day smelling a lot like the Thames River {a blog for another time!}!!

But all of this ultimately brings me back to the million dollar question; who are you?  Or rather, who am I?

It was one of the very first questions that they asked me when I first arrived at their studio early that morning.  “Tell me about yourself”…

It really does seem like a simple enough question but, as the words lingered in the air… floating around waiting to be answered, I realized that when it came to the essence of my business; I was stumped.  And this was a problem.

It’s a problem because if you’re going to leave your full-time, permanent job to pursue your dream…then you better darn well know where you fit into all of it!  What part of your individuality is reflected in the work that you are doing?  How much of your vision is being produced at the end of the day?  Furthermore, is it really your vision that is being created or someone else’s?  These questions matter.  They matter perhaps even more than the answers themselves because at the end of the day, the hardest part is actually asking.   Asking the questions means that you are opening yourself up to possibility…whatever it may be and wherever it may take you.

I left their studio ten hours later with the goal of committing more time to those possibilities and questioning where I, as an individual, fit into the vision of my work…my photography…my art.

As it turns out, it took me here; a redesign of my brand {a little “makeover” if you will!}.  I’m introducing a new look…a new blog…a new feel that is a bit more, well…me!  It’s not to say that the face of Fifteen:Fifty-One Photography won’t undergo many more changes in the years to come, but again, it’s all about being open to the possibilities.  And at this moment, it’s possible that I’ve made the very best investment that I ever will into my business…by investing more of the person that I really am.

So today – on the day that I debut this little piece of myself – not only am I super excited to share a little sneak peek from Cameron and Rebekah’s wedding  {a day that was especially near and dear to my heart}, but it seems only fitting that I dedicate this first post on my new blog to Brianna and Ewan; because had they not asked the difficult questions, then I may not be discovering the beautiful answers…the beautiful possibilities…

Facebook Comments


  1. Ewan Phelan says:

    Blog looks great Gen! Very excited for you! Now you just need to get on twitter 😉

  2. The site looks great – love the changes – love the colour choice. Very you! We are truly lucky to have you in our lives 🙂

  3. jenn stark says:

    The new site looks great!! 🙂

  4. Liz says:

    The new blog and branding looks great!

  5. Phillipa says:

    The almost-kiss is to die for! Beautiful photography!


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