When I first left my full-time job to pursue being a photographer…I really had no idea what any of that was going to look like.  I had never owned a business before…I had never dealt directly with my own clients before…and I had never been involved in weddings before.

But I knew how I felt about people and I knew that I wanted my business to be about people.

More than anything else, I wanted the experiences that I had with my clients to be relational.  Because I am relational.  And if I was going to leave a job with stability and benefits and a pension, in exchange for a job with creativity and passion and the craziest hours on the planet…then I wanted to do it with amazing people!

Katie and Andrew remind me of this every single day…

When I first met Katie, we were experiencing some health concerns surrounding our son.  On the evening that we met, she asked how our day had been, and I began to tell her a little about what our life looked like at that time.  There was absolutely no hesitation on her part.  She simply sat and talked with me like we had been old friends.  And this is sort of how it’s always been with these two; a relationship built out of so much more than their wedding.  When I consider the various things that we’ve been through together as friends in the time between meeting and doing their wedding photos…I find myself being reminded of the single thing I wanted from my business so many years ago.

Katie and Andrew…I could go on and on about how amazing your wedding day was.  I could tell everyone about the beautiful flowers and venue and the hilarity that happened in the rain.  But when I think of you two, that’s really not what comes to mind.  Instead, it’s the text messages that we share when I’m in the middle of the grocery store or the conversations we’ve had in my kitchen or the fact that we’re already planning our next coffee date.

I could tell the world about your wedding day.  But it’s far more fun to tell them about how much I love you…and how, when this all started six years ago, YOU were the people I was building all of this around…


Facebook Comments
  1. Sharie Mallette says:

    wonderful beginning to a wounderful couple

  2. Judy Henriques-Evans says:

    Absolutely Beautiful!


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