When you are the middle of starting a business, you never really know where that business is going to take you. You never know the obstacles that you might face and the people you might meet and the direction you might go. My goal at the time was to create art and be present for […]
I remember the weekend before Hudson was born; It was a beautifully mild Sunday morning and we were driving to church. The roads were empty and the bright sun beamed down on us from above. As I looked out my window, I saw a set of parents pushing a stroller in the distance. I rested […]
Dear Avery, I went on a school trip once to a planetarium. I was about twelve years old at the time. I remember lying on my back on a carpeted floor and staring up into a giant dome filled with tiny little dots. The lights went out and one star at a time, the darkness […]
Dear Little Miss Genevieve, You’re about to turn ten years old in a month! It’s a good thing too because you drove our mother crazy in anticipation of finally reaching those infamous “double digits”!! I guess no one really calls you Genevieve right now, do they? Most people call you Genny or some variation of […]
My Sweet Little Avery, A number of years ago, not long after your Dad and I got married, I had walked into a Starbucks one Sunday afternoon. It was the weekend before Halloween and the air was cool enough to make you wish you had mittens. The ground was covered with beautiful leaves and the […]
My beautiful little Avery, As I write this, you are sound asleep in your crib, holding on tightly to your favourite snuggly blanket. It’s been a rough week for all of us as you have spent more hours than I would like at the hospital needing help to fight off a nasty viral infection that […]