One morning, when Avery was about 18 months old and Hudson was three, I was standing in line at Starbucks. I was wearing two different socks…I hadn’t showered in days…I hadn’t slept in three years…and the details are a bit fuzzy on when I last brushed my teeth. Avery was screaming at me because I wouldn’t let her lick the bottom of the stroller…Hudson was trying to shoplift three pounds of coffee…and I was surrounded by well-groomed adults heading off to their jobs, presumably with people who didn’t lash out at them in rage for making toast with the crust still on it. At this very opportune moment, the two hundred year old woman behind me leaned over my shoulder and whispered “enjoy all of it, darling…this is the best time of your life!” I looked back at her…through sleep-deprived eyes and a caffeine deprived soul…I waved my hand over the chaos that surrounded me and replied “if *this* is the best time of my life…I.WILL.KILL.MYSELF!”

She wasn’t amused. In fact, she thought I was a monster.

But you know what…raising tiny humans is effing hard work. And the mommy culture can be a battlefield sometimes…

Hands down – the biggest struggle that I have always endured as a parent, is the lack of other parents openly sharing in the challenge. While our children will always be the best decision we ever made [twice!]…the actual act of parenting is one of the hardest things I’ve ever done in my life. I’ve never cried more or laughed more. I’ve never missed anyone more or needed space more. I’ve never been more proud or been more ashamed. I’ve never felt more needed or more rejected. I’ve never felt more blessed or more homicidal. And yet, I’ve never wanted “out”. I’ve wanted a drink…I’ve wanted a day off…I’ve wanted to eat a meal while it’s still hot. But I’ve never wanted out. Mostly though, I have wanted someone else to look at my exhausted, tear soaked face and tell me that I wasn’t alone. I’ve wanted someone to tell me that it’s okay to love your children and not necessarily like them at the same time. I’ve wanted someone to tell me that it’s okay to wish the gypsies were coming through town so they could abduct the three foot tall dictators who started running my life. I’ve wanted someone to tell me that it’s okay to not actually like sitting on the floor, playing with toy trains for eleven hours straight. I’ve wanted someone to tell me it’s okay to have a “back-to-school” advent calendar…mentally counting down the days until I can miss and be missed again [even though I’ll bawl my eyes out at the bus stop]. I’ve wanted someone to tell me that it’s okay to not be roaming the streets with pom-poms, telling everyone how magical my life is because I’m a mother.

My name is Gen. I love being a parent. But I don’t always love parenting.

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